Sunday, March 11, 2012

Glenbrook South High School Craft Show

Yesterday was my first craft show of 2012.  If that had been my first craft show ever, I would have been a bit discouraged.  The set up was very nice and the space we paid for was awesome.  There was a variety of artists, lots of jewelery, some glass crafts, paintings and drawings, paper goods/cards (me), and etc.  The show had a ton of potential, and going in, I thought that this would be an excellent show. 

The problem was, there were hardly any customers.  The few that passed through seemed to be uninterested in most of the stuff.  There was a little rush around 3 pm, and I was able to make the cost of my table back, but overall it was very slow. 

This was the first year of the show, so I guess it should have been expected.  I thought I learned that lesson last year.  If the show is still around in a few years, I will check it out again.  I find it hard to believe that the same vendors from this year will be there again next year. 

Photos of my booth:

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